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The Club

The club, founded in 1978, has approximately 30 members and is known both for its high standard of layouts and friendly atmosphere. Our membership include those new to the hobby with perhaps as yet few or no modelling skills to those skilled in one or more of the many aspects of the hobby. DCC control has long been adopted by some members and several layouts have been built using this control method.

Shipley MRS is well known to railway modellers throughout the UK through the Society's and members' layouts which appear at exhibitions around the UK and via articles written each year by our members which appear in the model railway press.

Shipley MRS is well known to railway modellers throughout the UK through the Society's and members' layouts which appear at exhibitions around the UK and via articles written each year by our members which appear in the model railway press.

Our membership is drawn mainly from towns across Yorkshire including Keighley, Ilkley, Otley, Harrogate, Guiseley, Horsforth, Brighouse and Bradford. Naturally the interests of members are varied. Layout subjects range from Great Britain in the 1920s to the present day, European, American and Canadian. Layouts in the clubrooms at the moment are in 7mm and 4mm (OO and EM gauges).


Our aim is to have fun enjoying our mutual hobby and we welcome anyone wanting to join us who wishes to do the same. If you have some experience we would like to benefit from your skills, if you are just starting in the hobby we can answer your questions. We all learn from each other and together we build and run layouts that, because of lack of space, time and perhaps lack of skills and/or funds we could never achieve alone at home. Membership is open to any person interested in the hobby. Full adult membership is £8 per month, which works out at £1.85 per week. Junior Membership is available to those between 11 and 18 accompanied by their parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must also be or become a club member and accompany the young person in order to comply with the legislation covering adults working with children. Junior membership is £36 per year to cover the junior member and their accompanying adult.

If you are interested in joining come along on a Tuesday evening, have a look around and ask as many questions as you like. There will be no charge for your first few visits and no pressure to join.


Our home is the top floor of Baildon Recreational Centre, Green Lane, Shipley where we have two spacious clubrooms which incorporate a separate kitchen and a library. Access is by stairs only.


We meet regularly at 7.30pm on Tuesday evenings.


Baildon, UK

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Hungerford for Chris photo 15 Derek Shor

All photos by Derek Shore unless otherwise stated

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